etiquette of style

Etiquette of Styling – Sartorial Savvy

Today’s world of fashion is extremely diverse.  Norms, trends and expectations vary widely; by age, region, industry, culture, sometimes even within close-knit communities such as neighborhood and office buildings.

Women have more freedom of expression now than at any other time in history but with these multitudes of options may come confusion about what is acceptable or sometimes even appropriate.

One must always dress for the situation at hand as this shows respect to those around you and the environment you are within.  This doesn’t mean however that one must sacrifice their personal style, rather find a way of accommodating both.

Dress and grooming choices should begin with a few small questions:

What is the occasion?  What are the expectations of the event and what do you need to feel good about yourself? If you wish your appearance to match your elegant manners you need to know how to dress like one.
We undertake what’s in the season -what’s the trend to style you but what one needs to know is, how to dress appropriately as well as behaving so!

  • Ladies, dress to impress
  • Gentlemen dress code, for all occasions
  • The general what to wear? when?
  • Personal hygiene and image (Makeup, hair, nail, grooming)